Exciting News and My Big Craft Challenge

Things have become even more interesting in my life lately, there I was getting ready to start full time in my job and have all these Christmas craft fairs planned, starting to look to buy a house and now...

That's right! I now have a fiancee and am planning a wedding for Autumn 2014. People have been asking me what sort of wedding we will have and will it be crafty, the answer is yes, there will be a lot of craft elements but that is because its who I am. I could never justify buying invites and such like when I am able to make my own.

I do want to keep a lot of my wedding a surprise for our families and guests but I will share little snippets when its right to do so but I also don't want to bore everyone. But for now, let me introduce the man who asked me to marry him

Thursday 3 October 2013 | 1 Comment

1 comment:

say it said...

Congratulations :-) I hope you are able to keep the wedding planning as stress-free as possible so you can enjoy it.

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